Terms and Conditions
  • Introduction: 

    Dear Guest(s),

    Thank you for exploring Nitya Tours for the best travel experiences. We offer you a delightful all efforts to ensure that you have a warm and a delightful holiday experience. We devote keen attention to every minute detail of your tour. At the same time we request you to follow the below terms and conditions so that we are successful in our earnest attempt to give you a hassle free and an enjoyable tour.
    1) Brief Description and Commencement:

    A) Definitions: In these Terms and Conditions unless the context otherwise requires:

    (a) Guest(s) means the total number of people who have registered their names and booked the tour by having paid full payment for  tours organized by Nitya Tours (which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include their respective heirs, executors and administrators)

     (b) Tour/s means any Tours organized by Nitya Tours.

    (c) First day of the tour shall start at any time (i.e. in the morning/afternoon/evening) at the first destination depending on the arrival of the respective train or any mode of transport, same shall be in case of the last day of the tour. In other words, a ‘Day’ shall mean a part of the day or 24 hours or its part thereof.

    (d) Panoramic city tour: City tour includes all places as mentioned in the tour program and unless specifically mentioned, it is a panoramic view or a photo stop.

    (e)Tour Manager / Tour Assistant by whatever designation called means a Person designated by the Nitya Tours.

    (f) Force Majeure means an event or circumstance not within the reasonable control, directly or indirectly, of Nitya Tours in its ability to perform its obligations / responsibilities regarding the tour including (i) war, hostilities invasion, act of foreign enemies; (ii) rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power or civil war; (iii) epidemic, explosion, fire, flood, earthquake or other exceptional natural calamity and act of God; (iv) ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of such assembly; (v) riot, commotion or disorder; (vi) any act or omission of any Government instrumentality; (vii) a Change in Legal Requirements; (viii) strikes lock outs or other industrial disturbances; and (ix) abnormal weather including tempest, lightning, hurricane, typhoon, rain and temperatures.

    (g) Brochure means tariff rates and tour related information for the respective years brought out / published by Nitya Tours..

    (h) Independent Contractor means a person and/or organization selected by Nitya Tours to render services including transport, hotel, restaurants, sightseeing to the tourist (s) and/or to Nitya Tours.

    (i) Meal means breakfast, lunch, dinner and/or any other snacks supplied.

     (j) The masculine gender, shall also include feminine gender and vice versa, the singular shall include plural and vice versa and shall include grammatical variations thereof.

    (k) Each of these terms and conditions shall be severable and if any provision thereof is declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable, then remaining provisions nevertheless shall have full force and effect.

    (m) Group tours mean where the services provided are similar to all the travelers in that group.


    Brochure means tariff rates and tours related information published by the Nitya Tours from time to time for the respective years. After arrival of new brochure all old tariff cards and tours related information stands cancelled unless specified.

    Nitya  Tours reserves the right to change or modify information related to tour or tariffs; also hotels can be changed even after the tour has been booked by the Guest. The Nitya Tours shall inform the Guest at the earliest about the changes in their respective programme.

    Liberty of activity

    Nitya  Tours as an organization is coordinating with various independent service providers for conducting the tour. Company takes utmost precaution to ensure that the tour is comfortable. Also, Guests are updated from time to time through different media of communication in case of changes.

    Though we take maximum care, neither do we have control on the modes of transport nor on hotels, restaurants or any other services.

    Thus, as a Nitya  Tours we shall not be responsible for any kind of damage to the person or to the property because of these independent vendors.

    Booking Criteria:

    (i) Guest’s interest to participate in the tour

    Payment of the registration amount only shows that the Guest is interested in going for the tour. All the services like travel tickets, hotel accommodation etc shall be confirmed only on receipt of the full and final payment.

    (ii) Confirmation of Booking

    Guest signature on the tour booking form clearly indicates that s/he has accepted the terms and conditions mentioned in the brochure. Also, in case if a single Guest is signing a booking form on behalf of the entire family, it means that the person signing is authorized by other members and they will abide by the terms and conditions.

    (iii) Non-payment of full tour cost before departure

    Nitya  Tours reserves the right to cancel and forfeit the paid amount in case of non-payment of full tour cost before departure.

    (iv) Change in Tour

    If a Guest wishes to cancel a booked tour and join any other available tour, then cancellation charges for the previously booked tour and new tour cost plus new discounts for the new tour shall be applicable to the Guest.

    If the Guest wishes to make individual bookings after the initial booking on a particular package and/or wishes to make amendments such as change of destination, departure dates, addition or deletion of services, change in passenger numbers etc. s/he has to make a written request and obtain an acknowledgement from the travel advisor. The amendment may invite further cost which will have to be borne by the Guest. All such requests can be accepted only if they are available with the Nitya  Tours.

    (v) Criteria for operating a group tour

    For operating a group tour, there must be minimum 20 Guests booked on the same tour and the same date. In an event of cancellation of tour because of non-fulfilment of minimum criteria, Guests shall be intimated in advance through SMS, telephone or email.

    In case, if the tour does not materialize and still the Guest wishes to continue with the same tour, on the same date, the tour shall be operated on individual basis without Tour manager and on MAP basis.

    (vi) Request for special services

    As NITYA T&T operating group tours we always give equal attention to each and every tour member and the entire group. At the time of booking, if the Guest informs about requirement of special assistance, the Nitya Tours may not be able to guarantee it.  e.g. it may not be possible to provide wheel chair as all coaches are not equipped with these facilities. Also, we would advise our special Guests to be accompanied by a family member who can take care of him/her throughout the tour.
    (vii) Medical fitness of the Guest

    It is assumed that the Guests booking the tour are medically fit to travel on tour and also that s/he is aware about the tour programme and the different activities that shall be undertaken during the tour. In case of any health related issues on tour, Guests are expected to be equipped to handle it on their own. Tour Manager can give assistance in such cases but it will not be possible to give complete attention.

    (viii) Guest undergoing medical treatment

    In case if a medically unfit Guest books a tour and As NITYA T&Tis not informed of the same, the As NITYA T&Treserves the right to cancel the booking in order to safeguard the interest of other Guests. In case, if the Guest wishes to travel in a separate vehicle, it can be done by paying additional cost for it.

    (ix) Guest who have not booked

    All the services are paid services like hotel, transport, restaurants etc. hence Guest’s, relatives, friends, acquaintances who have not booked the tour shall not be allowed to use the services confirmed for the booked Guest.

    Guest Payment/Tour payment by Guest:

    (i)  Registration amount

    The registration amount paid at the time of booking, is non-refundable and interest free. Guests have to pay the full tour cost as per the guidelines given in the brochure. Participation on tour shall be confirmed only after the Guest makes the full payment.

    In case a cheque paid by the Guest in favour of theNITYA T&T is dishonored, a charge of Rs 200/- per cheque must be paid by the Guest.

    ii) Cost of tours other than Mumbai to Mumbai tours (World tours)

    Tour cost is fixed taking into consideration Mumbai to Mumbai departures. However, for convenience if the Guest wishes to board TRAIN OTHERother than Mumbai, s/he shall bear the extra charges. Also, if s/he reaches the destination before the group, s/he shall pay for the transfers, hotel stay and meal charges as per actuals.

    iii) Reimbursement to the Company

    For any reason if the NITYA T&T bears any cost on behalf of the Guest, s/he must reimburse the amount to the NITYA T&T within the designated time.

    Documentation required for a tour:

    i) Requirement of Photo Identity on tour
    For all travel, including a tour in India, the Guest is required to carry photo identity (PAN card,Adhar card official documents issued by Government bodies etc. and for students – college/school ID card of the present year).

    Changes in Itinerary

    (a) The NITYA T&Treserves the rights to modify or alter the tour itinerary in case of force majeure conditions. Changes shall be informed to Guests at the earliest. Guests shall pay any additional charges applicable in such cases.

    (b)Other than force majeure for any other unavoidable circumstance, if the NITYA T&T curtails or cancels a certain day’s sightseeing, refund for the concerned portion of the sightseeing/tour shall be given to the Guests. The NITYA T&T will not be responsible for any other kind of refund.

    i) Guests who wish to take a deviation from the original group tour schedule

    If a Guest who has booked a group tour wishes to deviate from the tour schedule before or after the tour, s/he can do so by paying an additional cost.

    In individual bookings, Guests on an Indian tour can coordinate with the driver of the car/coach. to plan next day’s visit and sightseeing programme. The car/coach has specific time limits within which it operates.


    Seating arrangement in the coach shall be strictly on first come first serve basis. In the coach, seating allotment shall start from seat number 5 onwards as 1st and 2nd seat is reserved for the tour managers and the 3rd and 4th seat is reserved as premium seat which if available can be booked by the Guests at an additional cost. NITYA T&T reserves the right to allocate premium seats.

    There is a strict “no smoking”, “no alcohol” and “no eating” policy in the Coach. Guests are advised not to keep valuables in the coach while sightseeing. The NITYA T&T shall not be responsible for loss of valuables from the coach. If the coach is accidently or otherwise damaged by the Guest, s/he will be required to pay compensation for the same.

    Coach/Bus during Indian Tours:

    The NITYA T&T provides air-conditioned/air-cooled, luxury coaches. Seating and size of the coach generally depends on the number of travelers and the sector/destination. For a few sectors in India smaller vehicles or mini coaches will be provided.

    Hotel Arrangements:
    (i) Company selects hotels mostly at comfortable locations. Guests are generally provided twin sharing accommodation in standard rooms. Third bed is a roll away mattress. Other facilities like heaters / coolers are provided as per the weather condition.

    (ii) Please note that for a family of 4 we strongly recommend 2 rooms.

    (iii)Triple rooms are not larger than twin rooms and the third bed is often a roll-away mattress put in a twin bedded room.

    (iv) Check-in and check-out time:
    Guests are required to follow check-in and check-out time of respective hotels.

    In India tours, hotels generally have a check-in time of 1200hrs and a check-out time of 1000hrs. If Guests want any change therein, it should be arranged on their own.

    (v) Room Sharing on tour:

    If there are two/three single Guests travelling on the same tour and are ready to share a hotel room they can do so with each other’s consent. The NITYA T&T shall not be responsible for any misunderstanding or any incidence of missing items or any other such concerns.

    (vi) Single Occupancy:

    Guests who are paying for single occupancy shall get single bedded rooms that are usually away from the twin bedded rooms.

    (vii) Guest wanting to avail additional facilities:
    For availing any additional facility like laundry, telephone, mini-bar, snacks, food, alcohol, optional activities in the hotels, excess baggage, personal shopping, pay toilet etc, the Guest is required to bear the expenses.

    Meals served on tour:

    As the NITYA T&T is operating group tours menu is preset. Sometimes packed meals are served. Menu is mostly vegetarian with a few non vegetarian items. For individual bookings any meal included in the package will be indicated in the service vouchers. In case Guest misses any meal for any reason, no refund will be given. The NITYA T&Thas no control over the nature of meals provided by the concerned independent supplier(s).

    Tour manager on tour:

    Tour managers/assistants/escorts will be assisting travelers throughout the tour and they will not be responsible for loss of any Guest’s baggage or any kind of personal belongings. Guests will be solely responsible for their bags and belongings. Guests should follow information and instructions given by tour managers. The Company is not responsible for the consequences that may result from not following such instructions.

    Guest Baggage:

    Guests are responsible for the transit of their own baggage. Any porter charges or tips for services rendered to carry baggage to the rooms will be paid by Guests to the service provider directly.

    Cancellation Policy:

    Cancellation by Guest -

    If the Guest decides to cancel the tour for any reason whatsoever then s/he shall give a written application to the NITYA T&Twithin specified time limit along with original receipt issued by the Company. Such cancellation will attract cancellation charges stated hereunder.

    Cancellation charges will be calculated on gross tour cost and the cancellation charges shall depend on date of departure and date of cancellation.

    Cancellation charges for any type of transport ticket are applicable as per the rules of the concerned authority.

    Air tickets issued on special fares are NON REFUNDABLE and Guest shall bear cancellation charges.

    Any refund payable to the Guest will be paid after the NITYA T&Treceives refund from the respective authorities. The Company deducts processing charges from the refund to be paid to the Guest.

    No of days prior to departure

    % of cancellation charges per person.

    More than 60 days

    5% or Rs.1000/-whichever is more

    60 to 46 days


    45 to 31 days


    30 to 15 days


    14 to 4 days


    3 to 1 day


    on the day/on tour


    Note: Charges are levied on the gross tour price and not the discounted price.

    For Indian tours, cancellation charges do not include air ticket cancellation and they will be levied separately.

    When the Company cancels a tour

    In case if a tour is cancelled from the Company’s end,then the full refund of the amount paid by the guest will be made within 7 days of Cancellation of the tours.Alternatively,the guest can take any other tour option suggested by the Travel Advisor or can utilize the tour amount paid in any of the Company’s future tour within one year’s time.


    (i) Information of Privacy
    Any information furnished by the Guest to the tour manager and/or the Company, is subject to disclosure thereof as required by law or by an order by court or the rules, regulations and enquiry by any government / statutory authority. The NITYA T&Tshall not disclose any data of its own under any circumstances to any Guests including any kind of clarification on itinerary, tour costs, cancellation charges etc.

    (ii) Rules laid down by Government for NRI (NON RESIDENT INDIAN) Guest
    All Guests staying abroad including NRIs or foreigners should abide by all the laws, rules, regulations of Government of India and/ or the country concerned while undertaking the tour.

    (iii) On Tour Shopping
    Though shopping is an integral part of all tours, NITYA T&Tneither recommends nor promotes any specific shops. The Company does not take any responsibility in case of any fault in the shopped items.

    (iv) Valuables should be avoided on tour
    The Company strongly advises Guests not to carry valuables while travelling on tour. If any such item is carried, it must be with the Guest and not left either at the hotel lobby or in the coach. Also, it is strongly recommended not to keep valuables inside hotel room, instead they can be kept in safe deposit lockers. The NITYA T&Tis not responsible for loss of valuables.

    (v)Video Shooting/photographs/Feedback taken on Tour
    The NITYA T&Treserves the right to use Photographs / Video Clips /Feedback given by the Guests and/or taken on tour, for promotion of the Company’s Business without obtaining prior permission of the concerned Guests.

    (vi) Grievances
    If Guest has any claim, grievance and/or complaint with respect to the services provided by any of the independent contractors, Guest should immediately notify it to the independent contractor in writing, and a copy of the letter should be handed over to the tour manager.

    (vii) Paid Toilets

    In some places/destinations/countries, there are paid toilet halts, the expenses of which are to be borne by the Guest.

    (viii) Jurisdiction
    All disputes pertaining to the tour and any claim arising therein shall be subject to the Court of jurisdiction at Thane only.

    Refund :

    (i)            Refunds if any, for variation/modification/amendments/alteration and/or cancellations etc. of any tour will be paid directly to the guest by ‘A/C payee’ cheque,

    (ii)           No refund will be payable -
    a) For any missed / unused services of the tour including the meals due to whatsoever reason.
    b) Where full deposit is required to be paid in advance to the concerned authorities to enable  NITYA T&T to confirm the reservation
    c) If services of the tour are modified, varied, amended, cancelled or not utilized.
    d) If any Guest decides and/or is required to cancel the tour due to any changes made in the rules by the concerned Government.
    e) Where airfares are contracted in bulk for Airport to Airport departures
    f) If the tour is indefinitely postponed due to natural calamity, riots, political calamities or any other unforeseen calamities.

    Rights of the Company

    The NITYA T&Treserves the right to:

    Take bookings for group tour and individual tour

    Cancel bookings even after the acceptance of the payment without assigning any reason. In such case company shall refund the money to the Guest.

    Dismiss any Guest from the tour for misbehavior especially if it affects the group and Physical or verbal assault to the Tour Manager.

    Withdraw discounts at any point of time

    Change hotel and/or tour programme due to unavoidable circumstances


    Please note that your health is entirely your risk and responsibility. Our tours are suitable for persons of reasonable fitness. They may not suit persons who are medically infirm or who have special needs or requirements whether due to age, medical conditions or otherwise.

    It shall be your duty to inform us in writing in case you have any medical condition that may affect your ability to fully enjoy our tour arrangements or where the interests of other tour participants may be adversely affected by such condition. Under such conditions we may decline to accept you or continue you on that tour.

    However, it is not our obligation to check your medical condition and if you suffer any injury or aggravation on the tour or if you are unable to enjoy / complete the whole or any part of the tour due to your medical conditions, we shall not be liable / responsible to compensate you nor to refund any amount to you nor to pay your medical expenses.

    Liabilities and Responsibilities of the Company

    (1) The liability of the NITYA T&Tis restricted only to make reservations in accordance with the Guests’ requirements and no further. The NITYA T&Tis not liable for any loss of person or property caused or damaged or suffered by the tourist on account of deficiency in services by any independent contractor. Any gesture of courtesy extended by the NITYA T&Tto the tourist to minimize such loss or damage will not constitute an admission of such liability or a waiver. The Company shall in no circumstances whatsoever be liable to the tourist or any other person for any loss or expenses because:

    (a) Taking care of the valuables is the sole responsibility of the Guest

    (b) Train/flight delays, on account of any reason due to rescheduling/cancellation of train / flights / inter-connection, meals not being served etc is not in control of the NITYA T&T

    (c) Any change due to force majeure including weather condition/strike/war/VIP movement and security, heavy rush at sightseeing places, road traffic congestion etc., are not in the control of the Company

    (d Any personal injury, sickness, accident, loss, delay, discomfort, consequential loss and/or damage or any damage to baggage or personal effects howsoever caused;
    (g) any injury, loss, personal harm, death or damage caused to any person or property by the act or default of the management / employees / agents of any independent contractor.
    (h) any damages, additional expenses or any consequential losses suffered by the Guest due to Cancellation, Amendment and or alteration of any of the services of the tour mentioned in the itinerary / Brochure by the Company after the registration / booking by the tourist. Each of these conditions shall be severable from other if any provision declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable, then remaining provisions nevertheless have full force & effect.